Day: June 7, 2018

Research Headlines – Renewable energy gets a boost from smarter electricity grids

Connecting many small renewable energy sources to electricity grids is vital for EU environmental and energy goals. EU-funded research has shown how this can be achieved more efficiently through advanced functionalities that ensure grid stability. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Fever pitch: improving the management of febrile patients

EU-funded researchers are seeking to improve the diagnosis and management of patients with fever through the identification of new biomarkers that can differentiate between bacterial and viral infection. Once found, the biomarkers will be evaluated across different European healthcare models. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – EGVIA Workshop on EVs and their integration into the grid – State of play and challenges – 20 June 2018, Brussels, Belgium

EGVIA (the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association) is organising #EVinthegrid2018 workshop, whose aim is to highligh challenges and potential solutions for a large scale uptake of electro-mobility in European cities and peri-urban areas. The overall programme will roll out as follows: 9.30 Opening 10.00 Electric Vehicles: challenges and opportunities for

Onboard with marine protection in Spain

“The marine environment is very important for Spain, covering one million square kilometres in diverse regions with fantastic biodiversity,” says Itziar Martin from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), ahead of World Oceans Day this Friday (8 June). Powered by WPeMatico

Macro litter in the Mediterranean basin

Marine litter, a major source of pollution in the Mediterranean. A recent study conducted by one of the partner of MEDSEALITTER, ISPRA, compared the amount, composition and distribution of floating macro-litter in different high sea areas of the Mediterranean basin. More than 80% of observed items are composed by plastic

General Data Protection Regulation

You probably must have received a lot of e-mails already, but the General Data Protection Regulation concerns everyone so here are some information from us… What is GDPR ? It’s a new european regulation that strenghens the rights of a person over its personal data and thus, intends to protect