EGVIA (the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association) is organising #EVinthegrid2018 workshop, whose aim is to highligh challenges and potential solutions for a large scale uptake of electro-mobility in European cities and peri-urban areas.
The overall programme will roll out as follows:
9.30 Opening
10.00 Electric Vehicles: challenges and opportunities for the grid
11.45 How to integrate electromobility in cities and peri-urban areas?
14.00 The automotive perspective: EGVI projects presentation
15.45 Panel discussion: how to solve the “chicken and egg” problem of the uptake of electromobility in Europe?
Venue: BluePoint Brussels, 80 Bd. Auguste Reyers – 1030 Brussels
Several EU-funded research project presentations will enable participants to get an holistic view on this key challenge for the European Union’s decarbonisation.
Don’t miss it and join us!
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