Tag: european development agency

The VET3D application is already available for download

ERA in collaboration with other experts in the VET3D project has finalized a mobile app that can be downloaded here or found on the VET3D platform for those who want to strengthen their soft skills. Download Powered by WPeMatico

VET3D: Educational Week in Prague

ERA hosted 4 groups of students and teachers from secondary vocational schools (groups from the Czech Republic, Latvia, Italy, and Greece) during the week of 15-19 April 2024. In the inspiring premises of ImpactHub in Prague’s Smíchov district, students and educators got acquainted with the project, and its outputs. They

VET3D: final partners meeting in Prague

On Friday 19.4.2024 the last joint meeting of the project partners took place, where they evaluated the implementation of the project, its impact on the target group, and its sustainability. They agreed on the last tasks regarding the final tuning of the database, the dissemination of activities, and further potential

VET3D – “How to Set up a Business and be an Entrepreneur?”

Podcast created within VET3D project with our hosts invites you into entrepreneurship, tells you the key aspects to think about when setting up a new business and the importance of a business plan Powered by WPeMatico

DIGITUP Meeting in Rome, Italy

On the 26th of January 2024, the Consorzio di Ricerca Hypatia organized the second Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) at the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana located in Rome. The participating partners were able to provide their insights and perspectives, which contributed to the successful outcome of the meeting. The completed development of

SMART AND SKILLS Multiplier event in Prague

The multiplier event of the Smart and Skill project was organised by the European Development Agency on Monday, 22nd January 2024 in Prague. The audience was composed of teachers, people working in municipalities and some representatives of private organisations. A detailed presentation of the project’s results and outputs was performed

BEHAVE YOUR PRINTS Multiplier event in Prague

The multiplier event of the Behave your prints project was organised by the European Development Agency on Monday, 22nd January 2024 in Prague. The audience was composed of teachers, people working in municipalities and some representatives of private organisations interested in the topic of digital footprints. Lukas Barda, an expert