One Conference Brussels 2014

The Future has begun. Member States and regions must lose no time in preparing the next generation of EU programmes for growth, says Commissioner Hahn after MEPs’ vote on radical reform of EU Regional Policy in July 2013. The new programming period brings new investment budgets for Member States, seeking synergies between Regional Policy and Horizon 2020 in order to maximise the innovation opportunities.Brussels2014_web

The data-driven economy can provide Europe with a chance to emerge from the multifaceted crisis with new capabilities. Are Europeans ready for the Data Revolution? Are politicians able to make informed choices and manage changes?

The ONE Conference is facilitating the joint effort of EU partners to build links between information networks and ICT Observatories for reaching ambitious common objectives of Europe 2020.

Main conference thematic areas:

I. Monitoring ICT trends and providing decision making support (ONE project results –  good practices, case studies, innovation policy, planning regional ICT investments, transferability models, methodologies and guides for ICT observatories development).

IIICT for governance (ICT penetration and regional ecosystem, infrastructures, tools and models, co-creation platforms, ICT observatories)

III. Turning Data into Value (Complex and unstructured data, open and linked data, data cycles, trustworthy data ecosystems, data driven networks and innovation, big and small data)

IV. New horizons and policies (Digital Europe, Structural Funds absorption, policy frameworks, ICT regional organizational models, services in clouds)

V. Changing minds (Making digital benefits mainstream, change management for digital governance, netizens and smarter we, knowledge transfer and decision-support models, policy intelligence models, legal issues, privacy, IPR and co-operation)

VI. Every European Digital (Public Sector Information and its reuse, cloud computing in public sector, Open Government and the citizen, inclusive eGovernance policies, citizen-centric eGov services)

ONE Project



