Day: October 20, 2017

Events – EuroGEOSS launch event at GEO-XIV Plenary – 23 October 2017, Room Continental C RONALD REAGAN CONFERENCE CENTRE WASHINGTON DC USA

DG Research and Innovation will present during the GEO-XIV Plenary a side event dedicated to the launch of EuroGEOSS. EuroGEOSS is the European component of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) with a focus on coordination and scaling-up user-driven applications being developed in Europe.EuroGEOSS will combine and coordinate

Events – EU Research and Innovation Day at COP23 – 15 November 2017, COP23, Bonn zone, EU pavilion, Room 1

European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation is organising a EU Research and Innovation Day at COP 23. During this day, several issues – such as 1.5 & 2°C strategies, Arctic science contributions to implementing the Paris Agreement or Climate Services for Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries –

Research Headlines – Are you prepared for a disaster? Help is at hand

An online platform developed by EU-funded researchers is helping emergency services, public authorities and communities to better prepare for and cope with disasters, potentially saving lives and protecting key infrastructure. Powered by WPeMatico

Success Stories – Legumes see new life in flowerpots

Each year in Europe, the food industry discards millions of tonnes of vegetable residue and legumes. In Italy, scientists are using these leftovers to make bioplastics, an innovative and ecological material. Powered by WPeMatico

Performance Monitoring Report of EaSI notes positive developments in 2015 and 2016

According to the second Performance Monitoring Report of the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI), the Commission has committed more than EUR 246 million for the implementation of all the programme’s activities between 2015 and 2016, well in line with the EaSI Regulation. Powered by WPeMatico