The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, with support from the European Commission through Horizon 2020, is organising a conference on gender equality in research and innovation on 23–24 October 2019.
This event marks 20 years since the first European Commission Communication on Women in Science and the follow-up founding of the Helsinki Group on Gender in Research and Innovation, which launched the EU action in this area.
The two-day event is held under the Finnish Presidency of the European Union. It will bring together top policymakers and participants from the research and higher education community, research funding institutions , innovation actors, the digital and tech industry, and NGOs.
The aim of the conference is to take stock of progress made, with a focus on institutional change, and discuss current challenges, with a view to reshaping our EU policy objectives on gender equality in R&I ahead of Horizon Europe and the future ERA. The two-day event will culminate in the publication of a co-created Helsinki Call for Action.
Registration is free of charge, but mandatory.
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