Events – DANDELION Workshop “European integration, inequalities and citizens’ participation: How social sciences create value for policy and society” – 13 October 2017, Tallinn

DANDELION will organise a Thematic Workshop on 13 October 2017, as a side-event of the Estonian Presidency Research Policy Conference “European Research Excellence – Impact and Value for Society that will take place in Tallinn, Estonia.

The interactive roundtable discussion at the workshop will highlight how research from socio-economic sciences and humanities (SSH) contributes to understanding and coping with rising social inequalities and exclusion, how to foster citizens’ and especially youth participation in democratic processes, and not least, how to promote inclusive visions of EU integration.

In a series of inputs, representatives from academia, policy-making, and the civil society will showcase “what works” in practice in terms of research transfer to other societal stakeholders for the common benefit. In the plenary discussion we will identify which factors enable the “ripeness” or readiness of research to deliver impact, which barriers need to be overcome, and when, how and whom to engage within the research process in order to generate value for policy and society.

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