Category: Envi

Paris coats roads to tackle heat and traffic noise

The city of Paris, France, is testing its streets for temperature and noise levels in preparation for a road coating that could counter urban heat islands and halve the noise emitted by traffic. Powered by WPeMatico

Important information to all potential applicants for Integrated Projects (IPs)

The deadline for the submission of Concept Notes for Integrated Projects (IPs) is in two months’ time (05/09/2018). Given the reduced number of IP applications, we will be able to provide the same level of assistance to every applicant currently preparing their IP Concept Notes. Therefore, if you are working

LIFE’s marine explorers protect more Maltese waters

Malta has increased the size of its protected marine areas by more than 650 km2, reaching over a third of its waters, thanks to the project LIFE BaĦAR for Natura 2000. These areas are home to important seabed habitats in both coastal and deep waters. Powered by WPeMatico

Restoring a natural haven in the city

Led by Łódź University, the LIFE project cleaned up the reservoirs by reducing nutrients feeding the algae bloom and removing bottom sediment. It also planted species that recycle nutrients. Thanks to its efforts, nearly half of the visitors to the site believe that the water quality is good, compared to

New life for the bears of the Pyrenees

Six brown bear cubs were born in the Catalan Pyrenees in 2017, thanks in part to the actions of the PirosLIFE project. This took the total brown bear (Ursus arctos) in the Pyrenees to around 45 individuals – offering a real lifeline to Europe’s largest surviving large carnivore in this

Untilled fields lock carbon underground

A life-sized trial has shown that tilling soils is not necessary to maintain crop yields, but avoiding it can help tackle climate change. So-called conservation agriculture has allowed Spanish farmers to match the food output of conventionally ploughed land, while cutting their production costs, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and locking

Orchids bloom again in Luxembourg

The dry grasslands of south-east Luxembourg are home to an array of different species of orchid. These beautiful flowers include the lady orchid (Orchis purpurea), which favours the shade, the sun-loving bee orchid (Orchis apifera) and fly orchid (Ophrys insectifera), and the adaptable early-purple orchid (Orchis mascula). Powered by WPeMatico

Rural Ghana gains from LIFE-backed energy storage breakthrough

As solar and wind power grow cheaper, the core challenge of climate change is shifting from generating clean energy to storing it. With support from LIFE, Swedish SME SaltX has demonstrated a technology that locks sunlight inside the chemical bonds of salt crystals. This keeps the solar power safe until

ESC gives volunteers a chance to ‘Choose Nature’

Camilla Zuretti, is one of the first 150 volunteers taking part in a pilot nature conservation project for the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). A recent graduate, Ms Zuretti has always been interested in nature, and when her friends told her about the volunteering opportunity at the Choose Nature (CHOO-NA!) project