Month: September 2023

REGIOSTARS 2023: COMPOSE is finalist!

Out of hundreds of candidacies, COMPOSE has been selected for the final round of the contest. The project is running under the “A green Europe” category with other 4 competitors. Implemented under the Interreg MED 2014-2020 period, COMPOSE still has an impact on territories with its innovative solutions. You can

New report published: Access for children in need to European Child Guarantee key services

The report examines the extent to which the six key services covered by the European Child Guarantee are readily available and accessible as well as free or affordable to children in low-income households across the EU. Powered by WPeMatico

21-27 Deliverable library: we need you!

We want to collect the project partner comments and feedback about the 14-20 Deliverable Library so that together we can create a an improved tool for 21-27 that best meets your needs, based on your past experience. We have therefore prepared a survey on the library of deliverables used by

European care strategy – One year after the adoption

One year ago the European Commission presented the European Care Strategy. One year after, several actions were launched to ensure high-quality affordable and accessible care services and to improve the situation of care providers. This was done in close cooperation with Member States, social partners, and stakeholders. Powered by WPeMatico

Commission proposes European Disability and Parking Card valid in all Member States

Today, the Commission has proposed the introduction of a European Disability Card as well as the enhancement of the current European Parking Card for persons with disabilities. Both cards will be recognised all across the EU and make it easier for persons with disabilities to travel across the European Union.

More than 2,500 persons with disabilities contribute to the European Disability Card initiative

3,361 persons replied to the public consultation feeding into preparation of the Commission’s legislative proposal for a European Disability Card to be recognised by all Member States. 2,632 respondents were persons with disabilities. Powered by WPeMatico