21-27 Deliverable library: we need you!

We want to collect the project partner comments and feedback about the 14-20 Deliverable Library so that together we can create a an improved tool for 21-27 that best meets your needs, based on your past experience.

We have therefore prepared a survey on the library of deliverables used by the Interreg MED programme and its projects in the 2014-2020 programming period. You can consult the library here: interreg-med.eu/projects-results/project-deliverables/

As a reminder, there were three different types of deliverable libraries:

  • The Programme library gathering the most valuable deliverables produced by the projects co-financed by the Programme between 2014 and 2022.
  • The thematic community library gathering the deliverables produced by the so-called “Horizontal / thematic community” projects as well as most deliverables produced by the projects related to this specific thematic community
  • The project library collecting all the deliverables produced by a specific project

This survey is about the three of them.


Thanks in advance for your time and precious feedback!

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