Day: May 18, 2022

Keynote speech “A new equilibrium for regions & cities?” at the Conference ‘Rethinking local development strategies in light of COVID-19’

European Commission Speech Online, 17 May 2022 Dear President Fugatti, Dear Deputy Secretary Takeuchi, Dear colleagues, The recent crises have served as a wake-up call for Europe, and indeed for the world. F… Powered by WPeMatico

Partnerships for Regional Innovation: 63 regions, seven cities and four Member States selected for Pilot Action

Today, the Commission announced the 63 regions, seven cities and four Member States selected in the pilot project for Partnerships for Regional Innovation, an initiative developed together with the Committee of the Regions. Participants in the pilot action are open to share good practices and to co-develop and test tools

CoR delegation visits Ispra to learn about the JRC’s work in the field of sustainability

On 3-4 May a delegation of the European Committee of the Regions visited the scientific site of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission based in Ispra, Italy. It was the first official visit of a delegation from a European institution to JRC Ispra after the Covid break. Powered

“EU missions will tackle pressing global challenges”

​Markku Markkula (FI/EPP), member of Espoo City Council and President of the Helsinki Region, has drafted the European Committee of the Regions’ opinion on European missions. The opinion was adopted at the CoR plenary session on 27-28 April. In this interview, Markkula explains how the missions can contribute to the