Month: April 2020

European Innovation Council – Pan-European Hackathon to develop innovative solutions to overcome societal challenges related to coronavirus

The European Commission and EU member states have today launched a call for participation in a pan-European Hackathon to connect innovators, partners and buyers across Europe to develop innovative solutions to coronavirus. The Hackathon will take place on 24, 25 and 26 April and is structured around categories of problems

New: FAQ on Creative Europe during the COVID-19 outbreak

The Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture has published answers to Frequently Asked Questions concerning the Creative Europe programme during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the FAQ document here Powered by WPeMatico

#EUvsVirus pan-European hackathon: can you hack it

Together with European society, the European Commission is looking for solutions to challenges related to the coronavirus. Between 24 and 26 April, the first pan-European hackathon is organised to address the very acute problem of COVID-19. The Pan-European hackathon #EUvsVirus is a joint event between the European Commission and actors

EU CoR President: safety nets agreed by Eurogroup must support local leaders’ efforts to provide public and health services

The Eurogroup agreement on €540bn safety nets is a sign of European solidarity and unity. It is good news for thou​​sands of local leaders who struggle to provide health and basic services, while their budgets shrink because of increased costs and loss of fiscal income. Powered by WPeMatico

Compete for the Interreg Project Slam!

This year marks 30 years since the start of Interreg and the project slam is the perfect way to celebrate it. Each programme in Europe will submit project stories – and 30 of them will be shortlisted. Here in details are the 3 themes you can compete: – Neighbour cohesion:

Public consultation about the 2030 Climate Target Plan

The consultation is now open until June 23rd 2020 (midnight Brussels time). Everyone can take part in the questionnaire: citizens, organisations, academia, authorities… The survey is already available in some of the official EU languages. The feedback given through the survey will help the European Commission understand the desires of the

Finding a Sugar Dating Experience That is Right For You

Sugar Dating is a unique sweets experience which will challenge and satisfy the sweet heart and soul in the best way. It is designed around the idea of finding someone that will fulfill the dating requirements and provide you with joy for years to come. When you have always wondered

Inconvenience Mexico Cupid Secrets

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COVID-19 in Palestine and Libya

The COVID-19 crisis is both an intensely local moment – with hundreds of millions unable to leave their neighbourhoods – and a global experience, with almost every country now working to suppress or contain the virus. Powered by WPeMatico

How to Pick the Best Bitcoin Trading Platform

The best Bitcoin trading platform is actually depends on your preferences as a trader and how you plan to use your additional skills and understanding on the program to make money. If you plan on employing your new knowledge on a long term basis to produce a long term profit,