Day: April 7, 2020

Research Headlines – A repairable brain: cell reprogramming to halt neurodegenerative disease

EU-funded researchers have developed innovative genetic reprogramming techniques to replace and repair brain cells, opening up novel therapeutic pathways to combat debilitating disorders such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Collecting the world’s viruses, empowering urgent research

Ebola, Zika, MERS, COVID-19? An EU-funded collection of mammalian viruses is supporting researchers around the globe in their efforts to shed new light on old and emerging illnesses and advance their treatment and control. This Research Infrastructure is the world’s largest archive of such pathogens and is set up to

#EURegionsWeek call for partners remains open: apply by 17 April 2020!

The call for partners of the European Week of Regions and Cities remains open. The organizers have extended the application deadline until 17 April 2020. The #EURegionsWeek 2020 will offer a timely occasion to debate on the challenges the worldwide pandemic paused to our European ways of living including the

The new Circular Economy Action Plan in Europe

The new action plan will announce initiatives along the entire life cycle of products and aims to ensure that resources being used are kept in the EU economy for as long as possible. The main measures are: Make sustainable products the norm in the EU, e. g., by making the