Month: July 2019

Research Headlines – Agile auto production gets a digital makeover

Global markets for cars are becoming increasingly competitive, forcing manufacturers to find cost savings while meeting greater demand for customisation. Advances in technology, known as ‘Industry 4.0’, make these seemingly contradictory demands possible. The EU-funded AutoPro project found a solution. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – From agricultural waste to marketable products

Agricultural waste represents a huge pool of untapped resources that can be turned into valuable assets with many potential industrial applications. An EU-funded project is looking for innovative approaches to convert the growing amount of human-produced agricultural waste into eco-efficient, bio-based products. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – Monitoring Fish Skeletal Anomalies – A Course by BioMedaqu Project – 23-25 September 2019, Rome, Italy

The H2020 project BioMedaqu is organising a training course on the most adequate procedures for monitoring fish skeletal anomalies. Topics to be covered include:– Differences in skeletal tissues among basal and derived teleosts and mammalians. – Sampling methodologies, staining protocols and procedures. – Survey, data input.– Data analyses.The course will

Research Headlines – Taming terahertz radiation for novel imaging applications

An underexploited band of the electromagnetic spectrum is set to enable new imaging systems that are capable of peering into complex materials and the human body, thanks to innotivative research in an EU-funded project. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – For a Strong Digital Europe – 10 September 2019, Brussels, Belgium

The 4th edition of the EIT Digital annual conference will gather more than 1,000 digital experts & opinion leaders on September 10 at The Egg in Brussels. Inspiring speakers from politics, industry, research and academia will share their views on Europe’s challenges and opportunities on the global digital market, ground-breaking

Research Headlines – Novel protein product offers taste of success

An EU industry-funded project is transforming by-products from green vegetables and field crops into high-grade protein for the food industry. The finished product is a viable alternative to egg whites and whey protein – and has huge commercial potential. Powered by WPeMatico

Selection results:Distribution support to Sales Agents 2018 – Call EACEA 01/2018

Selection results for the call for proposals “Distribution support to Sales Agents 2018” (Call EACEA 01/2018) have been published. Find the results on the selection results page here. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Closing the loop in a circular plastics economy

Electrical and electronic equipment is a growing source of waste in Europe and is difficult to recycle. Now EU-funded researchers have found a cheaper way to sort and reuse such waste. Their results could help close the loop in a circular plastics economy and power a more sustainable European future.

Research Headlines – Greater biodiversity means new, improved food culture

The introduction of intensive farming has increased productivity but has also led to crop standardisation and a dangerous loss of biodiversity. EU-funded research is looking at ways to reverse this process and ensure future food quality and sustaina-bility. Powered by WPeMatico