Day: March 7, 2019

Events – Forward as one: Healthcare innovation and the need for policymaker engagement – 9 April 2019, Brussels, Belgium

This year’s event is entitled “Forward as one: Healthcare Innovation and the need for policymaker engagement”, and will be held in association with the Romanian Presidency of the European Union, which runs until the end of June. More than ever before, in this crucially important year, the EAPM Conference will

Research Headlines – Autonomous robots to improve disaster relief

An EU-funded project promoted knowledge and skills exchange between Europe and China in the field of robotics. As a result, researchers have come up with a prototype smart rescue robot that could improve cooperation between humans and robots in disaster situations – helping to save lives. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Synergistic jet engines for cleaner aviation

An EU-funded project has developed new engine design concepts with the potential to radically improve aircraft efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase sustainability and boost European industry competitiveness. These new designs aim to maximise synergies between various existing and novel engine technologies. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – Towards a circular agro-food industry – 4 April 2019, Brussels, Belgium

New opportunities for the uptake of circular business models in the agro-food industry are emerging across the world to address climate challenges and contribute to the revitalisation of rural areas. The BIOrescue project is one of them: through a circular biorefinery concept, the project is transforming waste from the agro-food

Research Headlines – Helping emerging energy market players make the right calls

Europe’s changing energy market is attracting new, smaller players that lack experience and know-how when it comes to negotiating commercial transactions. An EU-funded project has come up with a solution to help them make better decisions. Powered by WPeMatico