Day: January 25, 2019

Events – Brain Research & Tech: How can Horizon Europe improve human brain health and performance? – 6 March 2019, Brussels, Belgium

Understanding and healing the human brain is one of the most exciting challenges of the 21st century. For centuries we have been attracted by the mystery of thought and consciousness, but it is only now that we have the technical and scientific foundation to advance. Is consciousness fundamental for the

Research Headlines – Pest management in Europe, it’s everybody’s business

With livelihoods at stake, Europe’s farmers are relying on the support of the EU and international research expertise to prevent and/or mitigate widespread damage to their crops and harvests. The scale of the cooperation involved shows that integrated pest management is everybody’s business. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – A hub for female web entrepreneurs in Lebanon

As a partner in the EU-funded WeHubs project, Beirut-based business incubator Berytech is providing female entrepreneurs with the support they need to succeed in Lebanon’s growing digital economy. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – MSCA – RISE Call 2019 Information Event (London) – 8 February 2019, London, United Kingdom

The event aims to provide participants with an overview of the RISE scheme. Participants should gain a clear understanding of the proposal format and the key considerations related to planning, writing and submitting proposals. Powered by WPeMatico

Indexation of family benefits: Speaking points of Commissioner Thyssen on the launch of the infringement procedure against Austria

European Commission – Speech – [Check Against Delivery] Brussels, 24 January 2019 Ladies and gentlemen,   Today the Commission has opened an infringement procedure against Austria for introducing indexation of child benefits and family tax reductions. Powered by WPeMatico

Indexation of family benefits: Commission opens infringement procedure against Austria

European Commission – Press release Brussels, 24 January 2019 Today, the Commission decided to send a letter of formal notice to Austria. It concerns new legislation under which EU citizens working in Austria face an indexation of their family benefits and family tax reductions when their children reside abroad. Powered