Day: October 20, 2018

Events – Bioenergy conference: the impact of EU R&D funding – 25 October 2018, Brussels, Belgium

On 25 October 2018 a conference dedicated to bioenergy research, development and technologies will take place in Brussels. The event will provide insights into the impacts of R&D funded through the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation; including providing access to the bioenergy R&D Impact Report and an opportunity

Events – Biofuels conference: the impact of EU R&D funding – 24 October 2018, Brussels, Belgium

A conference on biofuels research, development and technologies will take place in Brussels on 24 October 2018. The event will provide insights into the impacts of R&D funded through the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation and Biofuels R&D Impact Report. This will be an opportunity to influence the

Events – Parkinson’s disease: causes and cures – 8 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium

The workshop aims to provide a kaleidoscopic view of the latest research, treatments, and ways forward towards better understanding and being able to cure Parkinson’s disease. The workshop aims to moreover look at how greater funding could enable such steps forward, both clinically and politically – especially in light of

Research Headlines – Preparing for the next revolution in production and logistics

Cyber-physical systems that blend the digital and real worlds are driving the development of smart factories, transport networks, electricity grids and even cities. The opportunities and risks presented by this expanding Internet of Things and big-data environment are being explored in-depth by EU-funded researchers. Powered by WPeMatico

Get ready! Third call opening on 30th October

  For a detailed description of contents of programme specific objectives and types of projects, including information on possible actions, beneficiaries and target groups, please refer to section 2 of the Interreg MED Cooperation Programme adopted by the European Commission on 2nd June 2015, to the Programme Manual and to