Get ready! Third call opening on 30th October


For a detailed description of contents of programme specific objectives and types of projects, including information on possible actions, beneficiaries and target groups, please refer to section 2 of the Interreg MED Cooperation Programme adopted by the European Commission on 2nd June 2015, to the Programme Manual and to the relevant Terms of Reference. Under this call, a project proposal must focus on only one programme specific objective.


The indicative ERDF allocation for this call is 30M€ (8M€ for priority axis 1 and 22M€ for priority axis 3). The final allocation is subject to further decisions of the Interreg MED Programme Steering Committee.

The indicative IPA allocation for this call is 2M€ (The breakdown between Axis 1 and 3 will be made on the basis of the quality of the proposals submitted.). The final allocation is subject to further decisions of the Interreg MED Programme Steering Committee. 

Submitting your application

For the current call for proposals, applications will be conducted in two phases:

  • A pre-application phase 
  • And a full application phase, open only to the projects selected in the pre-application phase.

The pre-application must be submitted electronically using the on-line monitoring tool of the Interreg MED Programme, SYNERGIE CTE.

Lead Partners willing to submit a proposal in the framework of the call must request the creation of the proposal in SYNERGIE CTE to the Joint Secretariat, following the procedure detailed in the dedicated Synergie Guide.

The system will be open from 30th October 2018. Please read very carefully the sections 2.2 and 3.1.1 of the Programme Manual to know everything about all the technical details of the submission.

 The non-respect of the procedure will entail the non-eligibility of your proposal.

  • The Application Form has to be validated on SYNERGIE CTE by 31st January 2019 at 12.00 Paris time.  
  • The uploading of the compulsory annexes to SYNERGIE CTE has to be completed by 14th February 2019 at 12.00 Paris time)

According to the provisional calendar established for the call, the selection of the pre-applications is foreseen in April 2019. For the selected pre-applications, full applications should be submitted between May and June 2019. The approval of the projects is foreseen in September 2019. A detailed calendar will be published after the selection of the pre-applications. 

Applicants are invited to establish as starting date for their projects November 2019. 

Documents of reference for this call

In order to draft your proposals correctly, it is important for you to read carefully the following documents: 

Proposal phase support

During this call, the National contact points and Joint Secretariat are at your disposal to answer your questions

An applicant Seminar will be held in Marseille on 28th November 2018. More details, including the agenda and the online registration will be soon available on the website. 

Personal data protection
  • “The Region Sud Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, as Managing Authority of the Interreg MED Programme, processes electronically personal data related to applicants and beneficiaries under the legal compliance with EU legal framework and regulations to carry out the activities of the Interreg MED Programme, in compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulation.  
  • For this purpose, all persons interested and concerned have the right of access, rectification or erasure of personal data collected and stored by the Programme.

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