Day: April 21, 2018

Research Headlines – Zero-emissions ferry skims the waves

It’s sleek. It’s fast. It’s green, and that’s not just the colour of the hull. EU-funded researchers have developed an award-winning battery electric commuter ferry that can reach up to 30 knots – an impressive speed, which many had deemed unattainable for such a vessel. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Keeping track of ocean plastic

EU-funded research is developing advanced modelling tools to help assess the full extent of the problem of plastic pollution in our oceans and how it is affecting the marine environment. The tools will help policymakers design targeted measures to address a big and growing issue. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – NanoDay Brussels – 3 May 2018, Brussels, Belgium

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe together with cluster Nanoprogress, Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association, agency CzechInvest, Technology Centre CAS (CZELO and Enterprise Europe Network) would like to invite you to the NanoDay Brussels. The main aim of the event is to provide an overview of the nanotechnology sector in

Events – Designing FP9 – a closer look on the impact of European cancer research – 24 April 2018, Brussels, Belgium

Annual Event by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers: Cancer is a much feared disease. What is state of the art in cancer research – and how should European research collaborations be designed if we want to make further progress in this field? Successful collaborative partnerships in cancer research

.@panoramed meets with its Associated Partners at @AgenziaCoesione: setting the ground for the #multilevel #dialogue! Expectations & opportunities for new synergies towards a better #governance in the #Mediterranean @CPMR IMC #regions will give their contribution!

. @panoramed meets with its Associated Partners at @AgenziaCoesione: setting the ground for the #multilevel #dialogue! Expectations & opportunities for new synergies towards a better #governance in the #Mediterranean @CPMR IMC #regions will give their contribution! #MadeInMed Powered by WPeMatico