Events – NanoDay Brussels – 3 May 2018, Brussels, Belgium

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe together with cluster Nanoprogress, Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association, agency CzechInvest, Technology Centre CAS (CZELO and Enterprise Europe Network) would like to invite you to the NanoDay Brussels.

The main aim of the event is to provide an overview of the nanotechnology sector in the Czech Republic with several case studies of successful companies with high international profile and to provide opportunity to discuss cooperation possibilities.

The event will be divided into three panels, the first one focusing on “Industry with high added value”, the second one on “Health & Well-being” and the third one on “Clean Water & Air”.

NanoDay will also feature exhibits of nanotechnology and nanofibers products such as nanotech water-cleaners, hydrophobic or hypoallergenic and anti-dusting materials and products, nano-optics, 3D batteries, cosmetics, or air and water purifiers.

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