Day: November 1, 2017

Events – “Social dynamics and food from the oceans” Workshop – 27-28 November 2017, Lisbon, Portugal

The European Commission, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Portuguese Government are delighted to organize the high-level conference on “Opening up to an era of social innovation” The aims of this event are to develop a new narrative for social innovation by sharing experiences, learning about new trends, and networking to

Events – Evidence for Society. Transforming the future of European people through research – 8 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium

In this Conference evidence of the social impact achieved by EU funded projects will be presented by different agents including scientists, policy makers representing different levels of policy implementation – regional, national and European- as well as end-users who have benefited from the social impact of EU research. The FP7

Events – Innovating grid technologies for sustainable energy – 22 November 2017, Madrid, Spain

Join Best Paths’ experts in Madrid, Spain on 22nd November 2017 for the workshop “Best Paths: Innovating grid technologies for sustainable energy” to share experiences and learn more about the latest developments in the state-of-the-art technologies for electricity grids. With nearly 40 leading organisations from research, industry, utilities, and transmission

Events – 2nd COLUMBUS Annual Conference 2017 “Achieving Impact from Marine Research” – 7 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium

The 2nd COLUMBUS International Blue Society Knowledge Transfer Conference will take place in Brussels on 7 November 2017. An international forum to bring together actors interested in sharing best practice and learning about initiatives and sectoral progress in Knowledge Transfer. This conference will offer an opportunity to collaboratively explore the

Research Headlines – Using health records to help clinical research

New treatments must be tested in clinical trials to ensure they are safe and effective. The EU and industry-funded EHR4CR project has enabled scientists to find suitable patients by searching millions of medical records while keeping personal data secure. Powered by WPeMatico