The European Commission, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Portuguese Government are delighted to organize the high-level conference on “Opening up to an era of social innovation” The aims of this event are to develop a new narrative for social innovation by sharing experiences, learning about new trends, and networking to increase the effectiveness of social innovation as a public policy instrument.
One of the events of the Conference is the Workshop Social dynamics and food from the oceans
Objective of the workshop “Social dynamics and food from the oceans”
The workshop is organised in collaboration with HLG/SAM/SAPEA/JRC.
In Part 1, the main points of the SAM/HLG/SAPEA Opinion ” Food from the Ocean – How to sustainably harvest more food from the ocean” will be presented with the main emphasis on the Societal Response to Increased Production and the Public response/perception. Chaired by Carina Keskitalo, Umea University, Member of High Level Group of Scientific Advice Mechanism and having as speakers:
• Gesche Krause, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research
• Bernhard Friess – Director, DG MARE, European Commission
• Catarina Grilo, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
• Pedro Escudero, Buggypower
The Part 2 it is a hands on demonstration of farming from algae organised by JRC and the Waag Society. Facilitated by Pieter van Boheemen and Xiamyra Daal, both from the Waag Society
Both sessions are part of the afternoon of 27 November.
The conference will bring together world-class scientists, innovators, social entrepreneurs, civil society representatives, national and regional policy makers, municipal and city level actors, impact investors, philanthropists, venture capitalists, business angels, business school students, politicians, etc. We expect at least 1000 participants.
The Venue of the Conference is:
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Av. de Berna 45A
1067-001 Lisbon
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