Day: September 29, 2017

Events – Big Data for Better Outcomes in Healthcare – 9 October 2017, Berlin, Germany

The big data revolution promises transformational potential for healthcare through data-driven improvements in research & development, care delivery, and policy-making. As health systems around the world routinely collect a wealth of data every day, we are facing the question: how can we use big data to improve patient’s lives? In

Events – Italy celebrates 20 years of scientific excellence through membership of the Institut Laue-Langevin – 5 October 2017, Trieste, Italy

2017 is a milestone year for Italy at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), marking the 20th anniversary of its Scientific Membership. Together with the Italian Society for Neutron Spectroscopy (SISN), the ILL will hold a special session on October 5, at the SISSA Miramare Campus in Trieste. [The celebration is

Research Headlines – Certification scheme promises security sector boost

EU-funded researchers have developed a common assessment scheme for security products that fully takes into account issues such as data protection and fundamental rights. This will help to harmonise the EU market, build up consumer trust and bring innovations to market faster. Powered by WPeMatico

Success Stories – Software platforms support effective emergency responses

EU-funded researchers have developed two cutting-edge software platforms that European crisis responders can now use to improve coordination, communication and preparedness. The platforms could help prevent catastrophes escalating, reduce economic losses and save lives. Powered by WPeMatico

LIFE projects help take out ocean trash

With the livelihood of three billion people at stake, world leaders are meeting in Malta next week to protect the seas on which jobs and food chains depend. The two-day Our Ocean conference will bring together 50 heads of state and government ministers to address the mounting strains imposed on

Wireless solution to water wastage

About a third of Europe’s drinking water seeps away before it even reaches the consumer. Today, utility companies battling the loss have little access to the sort of smart technology that routinely flies planes, controls energy networks or assists delicate surgery. From January 2018, LIFE funds will help explore how

Clean tech meets clean air

Three LIFE-funded projects will take the stage this year at the European Clean Air Forum in Paris, France. The event brings together policy makers from across EU institutions, national governments and cities throughout Europe. Over two days, they will discuss with NGOs, academics, private companies and the general public how