Events – Italy celebrates 20 years of scientific excellence through membership of the Institut Laue-Langevin – 5 October 2017, Trieste, Italy

2017 is a milestone year for Italy at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), marking the 20th anniversary of its Scientific Membership.

Together with the Italian Society for Neutron Spectroscopy (SISN), the ILL will hold a special session on October 5, at the SISSA Miramare Campus in Trieste. [The celebration is run as a satellite event of the FisMat conference, running from October 1st to October 6th.]

Chaired by Corrado SPINELLA (Head of ‘Physical Sciences and technologies of matter’ department at the CNR) the conference will provide the audience with 7 presentations from both Italian users and Grenoble-based researchers.

Pr Mark Johnson (ILL Associate Director and Head of the ILL Science Division) will also give a plenary lecture in honour of the great minds that contributed to such a striking success, highlighting the many scientific outcomes the 20-year partnership has nurtured. Cocktail and social diner will follow for all registered participants.

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