Tag: innovation

Research Headlines – Solving shared problems in environmental research

For years, environmental scientists across different disciplines have struggled with the same technical challenges. In response, EU-funded researchers have created a community where scientists can pool their resources to find joint solutions to common problems. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – En route to safer, more reliable autonomous driving

The development of autonomous driving systems is currently a focus of research for the automotive industry. An EU-funded project has moved work forward in this area by developing an advanced driver-assistance system that can work safely and reliably in all weathers. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Nowe techniki pomagają obniżyć ryzyko rozwoju choroby oczu związanej z wiekiem

Wraz ze stale wydłużającą się średnią długością życia rośnie ryzyko rozwoju chorób oczu związanych z wiekiem, które mogą prowadzić do ślepoty. Ich leczenie i zarządzanie nimi wymaga poznania czynników zwiększających ryzyko zachorowania. Tego zadania podjął się zespół unijnego projektu, który opracował narzędzia do oceny ryzyka rozwoju chorób oczu i strategie

Research Headlines – Nuove tecniche aiutano a ridurre il rischio di sviluppare malattie oculari legate all’età

Con l’aumento dell’aspettativa di vita, sempre più persone rischiano di sviluppare malattie oculari legate all’età che potrebbero provocare cecità. La chiave per trattare e gestire tali malattie è comprendere i fattori di rischio. Per contribuire allo scopo, un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha creato strumenti per prevedere la probabilità di sviluppare

Research Headlines – De nouvelles techniques contribuent à réduire le risque de développer des maladies oculaires liées à l’âge

Alors que l’espérance de vie augmente, de plus en plus de personnes risquent de développer des maladies oculaires liées à l’âge pouvant entraîner la cécité. Pour prendre en charge ces maladies, il faut comprendre les facteurs de risque. Un projet financé par l’UE a donc élaboré des outils pour prédire

Research Headlines – Nuevas técnicas reducen el riesgo de enfermedades oculares asociadas a la edad

Con la esperanza de vida en alza, cada vez más gente corre el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades oculares asociadas a la edad que causarían ceguera. La clave para tratarlas y controlarlas es entender los factores de riesgo. Un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos desarrolló herramientas que pueden predecir la probabilidad

Research Headlines – New techniques help decrease the risk of developing age-related eye disease

With life expectancy on the rise, more and more people are at risk of developing age-related eye diseases that could cause blindness. The key to treating and managing such diseases is to understand the risk factors involved. To help, one EU-funded project has developed tools that predict not only how

Research Headlines – The sustainability sandbox: test your scenarios!

What, exactly, will it take to transition to a low-emission society? Where can we make improvements? Will they be sufficient? How do the options combine? EU-funded researchers have produced a website where users can mix and match possible solutions and explore how these choices play out across key areas. Powered

Research Headlines – Looking into the links between climate and development policies

The EU project CD-LINKS has helped to join the dots between climate change mitigation and sustainable development policies by creating a network of research experts in a wide range of relevant topics across the globe. Powered by WPeMatico