Tag: innovation

Research Headlines – Minimiser l’impact d’une pratique clinique courante, mais potentiellement néfaste

La prophylaxie antimicrobienne intrapartum (PAI) est couramment pratiquée lors des accouchements. Selon des chercheurs financés par l’UE, elle pourrait fortement impacter la santé infantile avec des risques d’obésité, de diabète et de résistance aux antibiotiques. Ce constat invite au développement de nouvelles stratégies alimentaires pour réduire les effets de cette

Research Headlines – Minimising the impact of a common – but potentially detrimental – clinical practice

Intrapartum antimicrobial prophylaxis (IAP), is a standard procedure used while delivering babies. According to EU-funded researchers, it may have important implications for infant health, increasing risks of obesity, diabetes, and antibiotics resistance. This finding opens the door to the development of new dietary strategies for minimising the effect of this

Research Headlines – Particle physicist turns his hand to medical imaging

Technology developed in an EU-funded project for high-energy physics experiments also has the potential to greatly enhance the sensitivity of PET scanners for medical imaging. Powered by WPeMatico

European Innovation Council – Equity funding in the EU: new report sheds light on shortcomings in the EU finance landscape

The Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation published today the results of an independent expert report identifying the investment gaps existing in the EU and reasons behind these. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Nanonośniki podstawą bezpiecznego leczenia raka piersi

Pacjenci po chemioterapii zdają sobie sprawę, że pomimo swojej skuteczności ta metoda leczenia wiąże się ze zniszczeniem części zdrowych komórek. Finansowany przez UE projekt NANOCARGO opracował nowy lek na raka piersi, który pozwoli uniknąć nadmiernych zniszczeń, co może przynieść korzyści wielu tysiącom Europejek, które każdego roku walczą z nowotworami piersi.

Research Headlines – Nanovettori per un trattamento più sicuro del cancro al seno

I pazienti sottoposti a chemioterapia sanno che, per quanto efficace, questa procedura danneggia gravemente anche cellule altrimenti sane. Il progetto NANOCARGO, finanziato dall’UE, ha presentato una soluzione per il cancro al seno che eviterebbe tali danni. La scoperta rivoluzionaria potrebbe aiutare le migliaia di donne in Europa che ogni anno

Research Headlines – Des nanotransporteurs pour un traitement plus sûr du cancer du sein

Les patients qui ont subi une chimiothérapie savent que, malgré son efficacité, elle endommage aussi beaucoup les cellules saines. Le projet NANOCARGO, financé par l’UE, a trouvé une solution qui éviterait ce type de problème pour le cancer du sein. Cette avancée pourrait profiter aux milliers de femmes qui suivent

Research Headlines – Unos nanoportadores para un tratamiento más seguro del cáncer de mama

Las personas que pasan por la quimioterapia saben que, por muy eficaz que sea, también causa gran daño a las células sanas. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos NANOCARGO ha impulsado una solución para el cáncer de mama que evitaría estos daños. Este avance podría beneficiar a las miles y

Research Headlines – Nanocarriers for safer breast cancer treatment

Patients who’ve gone through chemotherapy know that as effective as it may be, it also causes a lot of damage to otherwise healthy cells. The EU-funded NANOCARGO project has pushed a solution forward for breast cancer that would avoid such damage. This breakthrough could benefit the many thousands upon thousands

Research Headlines – Pioneering photolithography for 7nm chips

Cutting-edge photolithography technology developed by an EU-funded consortium has enabled the launch of a new generation of high-performance smartphones featuring powerful and efficient 7nm-node mobile processors. Powered by WPeMatico