STEPPING final event in SLOVENIA

On the 1st of October 2019, BSC Kranj organized STEPPING final regional conference, presenting aims and main outcomes of the project – joint EPC investment plan pilot projects, training activities and  draft EPC guidelines for designing, implementing and managing EPC investment plans and tenders for awarding energy efficient works on public buildings in MED context.

Presentation was enriched with a demonstration of the EPC Simulation Tool developed within the project, which enables to compare different investment scenarios to reach balance between public and private investment in the energy refurbishment of public buildings.

Moreover, the event was an opportunity to held a first meeting with potential members of the future expert committee for the implementation of energy efficient measures planned by the new Sustainable energy and climate action plan (SECAP) of Gorenjska. Document, elaborated under the PEACE_Alps project (Interreg Alpine Space) and accepted by the Covenant of mayors for Climate and Energy (CoM) initiative, presents another strategic initiative promoting the use of EPC for energy efficient renovation projects, especially in public buildings of smaller municipalities.

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