Second Call for Modular projects : INTEGRATED PROJECTS Opening of the second phase

For a detailed description of contents of programme specific objectives and the integrated projects modalities, including information on possible actions, beneficiaries and target groups, please refer to the relevant Terms of Reference of each Specific Objective.

Please note that:

  • Only the Integrated projects that have successfully passed the first assessment phase, following the decision of the Steering Committee held in Marseille on 20th June 2017, are entitled to submit the full project application 
  • The second phase of the call for the submission of the full application of Integrated projects is open from  3rd July 2017, at 12.00 (Paris time) to 13th October 2017, at 12.00 (Paris time)
  • The full application must be finalised and validated using the on-line Interreg MED Programme tool SYNERGIE CTE before the set deadline. On 13th October 2017, at 12.00 (French local time) the full application will not be accessible anymore in SYNERGIE CTE
  • Applicants have two additional weeks to upload on SYNERGIE CTE the compulsory annexes. The uploading must be completed at the latest by 27th October 2017, at 12.00 (French local time). On 27th October 2017, at 12.00 (French local time) it will not be possible any more to upload the compulsory annexes. 

Applicants are invited to read carefully the Terms of Reference of this call, for the specific objective concerned by their proposal, the Eligibility and Assessment grids linked to this call and published with this announcement, and the Factsheet “Two-phase application procedure” of the Programme Manual to learn more about the modalities of the submission procedure. Failure to comply with the set procedure will entail the non-eligibility of the proposal.

We remind applicants that project partners involved in an approved Horizontal project are not eligible as partners in any other project under the same Specific Objective (or sub-theme for S.O.1.1.) 

The dedicated SYNERGIE CTE guide for the second phase of the call for the submission of the full application of Integrated projects is available to facilitate the drafting of your proposal in the monitoring tool. 

In order to avoid important delays in the timely submission of the full application, the Interreg MED Programme Joint Secretariat invite all applicants to start filling in the application form on Synergie CTE and to initiate the signature process of the compulsory annexes as soon as possible

For further information, you can contact the national contact point representatives (contact details can be found on as well as of the Joint Secretariat ( 


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