Renewable Energy MED Community is pleased to announce ETU initiative Manifesto

Europe is facing one of its most advanced moments in terms of energy transition legislation framework. National Energy and Climate Plans are becoming very ambitious setting their targets for renewable energy consumption. We understand that now it is the time to implement and bring it to reality, but there is still a lack of integrated strategies that link energy transition to territory, civil society and citizens. It is necessary to overcome the lack of organizational schemes at local level, which enables energy transition roadmap, especially for vulnerable territories such as Rural and Islands.

Moreover, energy transition requires of a holistic vision of territories, in order to face other societal challenges related to other environmental issues, such as food security or also to social concerns such as the increasing risk of poverty and social exclusion. The Mediterranean Region is one of the most vulnerable areas to Climate Change and requires of effective and coordinated actions to reduce emissions and adapt territories towards a resilient pathway. In response, the MED Renewable Energy Community developed a common approach which result is the Ecosystemic Transition Units (ETUs) as an alternative governance model at local level to drive energy transition with an ecological approach.

We are pleased to present you the ETU initiative Manifesto, which summarized the position of our Community for a fair and clean energy transition in rural and island areas:

1) Ecological response to Climate Crisis

2) Territorial Equity

3) Social Innovation

4) Green economy

5) Cooperation & Commitment If you want to give your support to our manifesto,

If you want to give your support to our manifesto,


We also invite you to see our policy papers:

ETU Factsheet Energy Transition

ETU Factsheet 1 – Empowerment of Energy Communities

ETU Factsheet 2 – Resilient planning

ETU Factsheet 3 – Green Revitalization

ETU Factsheet 4 – Smart energy solutions

Renewable Energy Community: Policy Paper

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