MED for YOU special report by EURACTIV

One of EURACTIV journalists was invited to Athens to cover our event. There, he had the opportunity to discover what Interreg MED is about and interview project partners to better understand their work and daily challenges.

As a result, he published five articles on the Programme and some of its projects (namely Tourismed, Aristoil, Pegasus):  

  • Interreg EU project: Tackling climate change in the ‘Mediterranean way’
  • Aristoil: Getting the best out of Mediterranean olive oil
  • EU project: Mediterranean fishermen seek additional income via tourism
  • EU official: Interreg is an ‘engine’ of regional cooperation but needs simplification
  • Selling electricity to neighbours: Technically feasible, but not in practice


You can read the report online here:…/

Or download it here: Special report

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