Interreg turns 30, join the campaign!

Since then, Interreg has funded multiple projects in fields such as environment, education, research, health, sustainable energy and more.

Interreg operates through several programmes:

 60 cross-border programmes (to improve the lives of citizens’ living in border regions by giving them more and better opportunities and access to services, the same as non-border regions);

• 4 interregional cooperation programmes (to foster capacity building and cooperation between urban areas and regions, across the European continent);

• 15 transnational cooperation programmes (to tackle common challenges and share good practices among countries in the same geographical area, in Europe and beyond, as for example the Interreg MED programme joining 13 states in the Mediterranean Sea basin);

• 10 programmes to cooperate with accession countries (Interreg Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Cross-Border Programmes);

• 15 programmes to cooperate between EU and neighbouring countries sharing a land border or sea crossing (Interreg European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-Border (ENI CBC) Programmes).

In the current programming period, Interreg has gained a central position in the regional policy. It progressed from an initiative to a full policy objective, included in the Common provisions regulation.

Besides this territorial work on the regions, in 2017 Interreg has decided to offer to young people (18-30 years old) the possibility to take part in these programmes, thanks to the Interreg Volunteer youth, that is also part of the European Solidarity Corps.

For all these reasons, Interreg is essential to support a more united – hence stronger – Europe.

All along this year, the campaign #Interreg30 has been launched to celebrate 3 decades of achievements, involving all current Interreg programmes and mentored by DG Regio and the Interact Programme. All projects are invited to join and participate, to promote also their results.

Join and learn more about the campaign!


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