Innovative Networking Session in Cannes organized by CCI Nice Côte d’Azur Chimera Partner

Following the Living Lab workshops of the European Chimera project, networking sessions were asked by the stakeholders. The French Riviera Chamber of Commerce and Insdustry with the French Riviera Film Commission will organized the 21th of September a great networking event dedicated to the audiovisual sector of the Alpes- Maritimes.

Today there are more than 100 companies registred!

During this event, there will be a large Business meeting as well as video launches of the companies.

It is a service to answer one of the problems posed by the living lab of how to make sure that the audio-visual sector is known and that the skills of each are used by the local ecosystem.

 The event will take place on a major place of the Audiovisual sector in the Territory:  the CréA’Cannes Incubator that will become in few month the major Audiovisual and Cultural Technopole Center!

This evening will also be an opportunity to celebrate the European cooperation day !

registration limited by e-mail confirmation to:

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