Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens after I pay for the package?
    1. After successful payment, you will be redirected to a simple form for information about your project. You can submit your article through this form or directly by e-mail. It is compulsory to submit at least one picture or photo with your article. The picture/photo needs to be free for publishing (strict copyright rules apply).
    2. Our editor will prepare the article for publishing and create a draft (at this stage, the article will not be published).
    3. We will send you a link with the draft for approval or corrections.
    4. After your approval, we will publish the article. The article will remain published for an unlimited period of time. The article will appear on the homepage as “Recent News” until new articles replace it.
  • Will the article be published for a limited time?
    • No. The article will be published for an unlimited period of time.
  • Do I have to submit a picture or photo with the article?
    • Yes. Each article on euis.eu has at least one picture. One of the pictures is selected as “featured” and this is the one shown on the Home Page image carousel.
  • Will the article appear on the homepage?
    • Yes. The article will appear in “Recent News” for a limited period of time (until it is replaced by newer articles).