Events – The Generations & Gender Programme Stakeholder Seminar – 23 January 2018, Brussels – European Parliament

Pear Dykstra, Vice-Chair of the SAM High Level Group of Advisors will be part of a panel debate involving researchers and stakeholders from policy and civil society regarding the ‘The Future of the Generations to come’.

On the organisers web page one can read:

”…public policy, civil society, industry and the academic community representatives will gather at the European Parliament for a morning of presentations and discussions about current trends and research findings about the transition to adulthood, work-life balance and the future needs that current young generations may face in terms of family formation and ageing. Opportunities for policies to tackle pressing societal issues identified by scholars will be discussed.”

This event is hosted by Alessia Mosca and Brando Benifei, Members of the European Parliament.

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