Events – STEMM Equality Congress – 11-12 October 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The STEMM Equality Congress 2018 will offer delegates an opportunity to hear from and interact with thought leaders in equality, diversity and inclusion strategy, policy and practice in STEMM worldwide.

Building on some of the key themes and issues presented during the 2017 congress, 2018 will focus on inter-sectionality, sharing success stories from around the world, practical measures that are working for other organisations, local challenges that organisations are facing, the tools they are using to address these challenges and how these tools can be applied in other countries and regions.

In 2018 special attention will be given to presentations from emerging countries and the latest themes. Attended by over 350 leading researchers, policy makers, equality staff, the private sector, academic staff, government representatives and NGOs from across the globe, the 2018 congress offers a perfect opportunity to network, learn and collaborate to achieve greater equality, diversity and inclusion in STEMM.

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