Events – Stakeholder Consultation on Food from the Oceans – 13 November 2017, Brussels

The holding of this Stakeholder Consultation on Food from the Oceans on 13 November 2017 in Brussels follows the request to SAM to investigate this topic from the Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, via the Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas.

It was taken on board by the Scientific Advice Mechanism of the European Commission (SAM) High Level Group (HLG). The scientific evidence project is supported by the Science Advice for Policy European Academies (SAPEA) Consortium financed through the Horizon 2020 grant 737432.

A scoping paper was prepared by DG MARE (lead), DG ENV and DG RTD in September 2016. A final version was approved on 2nd December 2016. The scientific advice in the form of an Opinion Report is planned for delivery by the end of November 2017. After having already consulted scientific experts on 14 September 2017, the HLG will present draft findings and observations to stakeholders and gather reactions, while encouraging a fruitful and informative exchange of views.

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