Events – Smart solutions for the regions: UAS applied R&I increasing regional cooperation – 16-17 November 2017, Porto, Portugal

EURASHE will organise a two day seminar in Porto (Portugal) on 16-17 November in cooperation with Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administracao do Porto (ISCAP) and the Portuguese Polytechnics Coordinating Council (CCISP).

The aim of the seminar is to present the current topics and new opportunities within the regional R&I cooperation between the higher education institutions and both regional authorities and businesses.

The first day will focus on the cooperation between regional authorities/organisations and higher education institutions. It will consist of keynote speeches and a round table on regional aspects of the cooperation.

The second day will continue the regional development theme, focusing also on the SME cooperation and the H2020 projects. T

he keynotes are followed by parallel workshops on UAS participation in H2020, on increasing regional cooperation and on increasing student entrepreneurship.

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