Events – SAVE THE DATE! ECSEL JU Symposium 2018 – 19-20 June 2018, Brussels, Belgium

European and global stakeholders in the Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) field from Industry, Research and Financial Communities as well as European, National and Regional decision makers and international partners, will get together for the second time to discuss and evaluate major developments within the ECS sector in Europe.

The event will give opportunity and space for the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU) projects to present their progress and results to date, to disseminate the scientific and technological achievements, and to cast light on their contributions to the programme. Two dedicated project exhibition tours will allow interaction and networking with ECSEL JU project participants.

Event location: Docks Dome Event Hall, Bd Lambermont 1 – 1000 Brussels, Belgium

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