The REWARD Project is almost completed and we are happy to announce a final stakeholder event together with the dieper project in order to show final REWARD results as well as first (dieper) results. The dieper project is almost midway.
We would like to share the REWARD innovations, the results we have achieved in both projects, and our vision for the future of diesel engines at the Transport Research Arena 2018 which will be held from 16-19 April 2018 in Vienna, Austria.
The REWARD Project The goal of REWARD is to develop advanced diesel engines that are able to respond to the demands of the future. The REWARD consortium is taking on the challenge of developing diesel powertrains and aftertreatment technologies for the next generation of cleaner passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.
As the fuel economy of Diesel engines is substantially higher than for gasoline engines, REWARD plays into this enormous improvement potential to stimulate the development and use of Diesel engines in all vehicle classes.
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