Events – Looking ahead to a circular European bioeconomy – 7 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium

As the EU is just about to finish its review of the current Bioeocnomy Strategy and decide on updating it in 2018, this ThinkForest seminar will provide insights why it is important to merge the bioeconomy and circular economy concepts, and what are the priority issues for a new circular bioeocnomy strategy.

In the seminar, EFI will publish a new strategic report on “Leading the way to a European circular bioeconomy strategy”. We will be discussing the questions of:

    • Why do we need a European circular economy strategy?
    • What should its main ingredients be? What is the outlook for a sustainable European forest bioeconomy?
    • What bioeconomy gaps do we still need to fill?

Our speakers include John Bell, Director of Bioeconomy, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission Cecil Konijnendijk van den Bosch, Professor, University of British Columbia Morning se Cecil Konijnendijk van den Bosch, Professor, University of British Columbia Georg Winkel, Head EFI Resilience Programme

The event has two sessions: morning session at 9:30–12:00 focuses on A new strategy for a circular European bioeconomy and the afternoon session at 13:00-16:30 on the Outlook for a circular European bioeconomy.

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