Events – Fast growing mid-sized firms in Europe. Evidence from the RISIS-Cheetah database – 24 October 2019, Brussels, Belgium

On 24 October 2019, the Club of associated research organisations (Clora) of Brussels will host the first RISIS Policymakers’ Session. The European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies (RISIS) will focus on European mid-size firms, with a half-day presentation and discussion around evidence from RISIS Cheetah data.

Massimiliano Guerini, representative of Politecnico di Milano (Polimi) in RISIS project and Cheetah access manager and Roberto Camerani, Research Fellow at Science Policy Research Unit of University of Sussex, will like to present a category of firms that may be relevant for policy debate: Cheetah firms.

“Cheetah firms are medium-sized firms that experienced exceptional growth. These firms can play a key role in fostering economic growth and new job creation. Thanks to the RISIS project, we are now able to study this policy-relevant category of firm and to better understand their growth drivers”, said Massimiliano Guerini.

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