This e-conference is intended to provide further feedback on what has been learned so far from the work in the EU-funded Horizon 2020 research project on “Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security”, commonly known as SALSA project (for more info: http://www.salsa.uevora.pt/en/)
The e-conference will help identifying key knowledge gaps, as well as to share examples that will contribute to build the SALSA empirical base. Using this second e-conference, the SALSA team wants to catalyse and foster an ongoing dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
This is the second e-conference carried out within the SALSA project. The previous e-conference took place in October 2016. 462 participants provided a total of 99 contributions, which result in a significant input to the SALSA project.
The virtual discussion is intended to draw the attention of researchers, educators, students and a wide spectrum of food chain/food system actors and entrepreneurs, as well as policy makers and administrators at multiple levels, on the role of small farms within a larger context.
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