After a political introduction, this Seminar will shed light on the opportunities offered by RFCS, the Research Fund for Coal and Steel, Horizon 2020 and the Innovation Fund.
With the insights from industrial and research stakeholders, the first two sessions will focus on ‘Energy in future steelmaking’ and ‘Steel in the energy market applications’. The third session will explore the technological paths towards ‘Greening European steel’. These proposals will be discussed by a roundtable of European and national policy-makers that will address issues related to industrial policy, R&I and the EU multi-annual financial perspectives.
A ‘Steel and Society’ action will highlight the questions of skills needed in the steel sector.
The conclusions of this Seminar will feed the Industry Days of 22 and 23 February 2018.
The seminar will be by invitation only. For more information, please contact Domenico.Rossetti-di-Valdalbero@ec.europa.eu, Deputy Head of Unit ‘Coal and Steel’ in DG RTD.
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