The III RICH Symposium on European Research Infrastructures: from WP 2020 calls to Horizon Europe, organized by the above-mentioned project in close collaboration with the European Commission (DG RTD) will take place on May 14th at MCE Hôtel de la Poste – Tour & Taxis in Brussels.
The Symposium will comprise an infoday-style presentation of the Horizon 2020 calls for the 2020 deadlines, followed by three Plenary Sessions on (1) From Starting Communities to pan-EU Research Infrastructures, (2) How ongoing projects pave the way to Horizon Europe, and (3) Strategic planning of the Research Infrastructures landscape towards Horizon Europe.
The Symposium aims at analysing the new perspectives for European Research Infrastructures in Horizon Europe.
Venue: Hôtel de la Poste – Tour & Taxis in Brussels
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