The European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, is pleased to announce the “European Battery Cell R&I Workshop”, that will be held in Brussels on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th January 2018. In the context of “EU Batteries Alliance”, an extra budget of € 100 million has become available to finance new topics on batteries to be included in the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2019 and 2020.
This workshop is a great opportunity to set short and medium term priorities by discussing the possible topics descriptions for next generation batteries research. On January 11th in the afternoon, plenary speakers will grasp the state of the art in battery cell R&I and further identify the progresses and challenges in battery cell R&I. On January 12th, in-depth discussions will shed light in the possible topics and provide implications for short-to-medium term strategy on battery cell R&I. Please refer to the discussion paper for the outline of the discussions.
Gathering wide range of stakeholders including research organisations, cell manufacturers, material suppliers, OEMs, battery pack/module suppliers and national organisations, this workshop provides an invaluable opportunity to discover latest developments and shape the future of European battery cell R&I.
We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels.
Please register here
For further questions contact: RTD-BATTERIES-WORKSHOP@ec.europa.eu
* Please note that on 10th January another workshop is organised by DG CNECT on batteries research. The objective of this workshop is to explore the long term challenges and emerging next generations of battery technologies for energy storage that could eventually be addressed by a large scale EU R&I initiative under the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme. For more information about that workshop, please contact CNECT-FLAGSHIPS-EVENT@ec.europa.eu
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