Events – EU financial support for R&D through Horizon 2020 and EMA’s support to SMEs – 12 November 2019, Hamburg, Germany

Panel discussion

Bio-Europe, Hamburg, 11-13 November 2019
Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework program for support to research and innovation provides various types of grants for research as well as other financial mechanisms. Small and Medium-sized companies (SMEs) can apply for these funds, in some cases as individual entities (e.g. the EIC Accelerator) or as a partner in a larger consortium applying for large collaborative research grants to work with academic groups and/or other companies including via the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). The European Medicines Agency (EMA) also provides specific and dedicated support for SMEs.


Stéphane Hogan, Head of Sector, Stakeholder Engagement, DG Research & Innovation, EC


Gregor Novak, Project Advisor, European Innovation Council Accelerator, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), EC

Angel Fuentes, Policy Officer, Sustainable Industry Systems unit, Prosperity Directorate, DG Research & Innovation, EC

Emmanuel Vincent, CEO, Aenitis Technologies, France

Magali Poinot, Advisor to the Executive Director, IMI

Constantinos Ziogas, Head of the SME office, EMA

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