AFLoNext, a five-year collaborative project involving 40 entities from 15 countries, aimed at proving and maturing highly promising flow control technologies for novel aircraft configurations.
In occasion of ILA Berlin 2018, project partners are organising a final conference whose aim is to offer a forum to present final results to a wider public.
This two-day event will bring together international delegates from industrial, research and academic institutions.
Day 1: Thursday 26th April from 14:00 to 18:00
Day 2: Friday 27th April from 9:00 to 13:00
Travel information: https://www.ila-berlin.de/en/travel
Entry tickets: buy a ‘day ticket congress & trade fair’
For any question about this event, please contact Dominika Behrendt, L-UP (dominika.behrendt AT l-up.com)
Looking forward to welcoming you!
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