Events – 1+1=3 – How agroforestry boosts revenues and resilience of Europe’s farmers – 29 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium

Attend this meeting at the European Parliament, hosted by Paul Brannen MEP, to hear and discuss how agroforestry and European research are boosting the revenues and resilience of Europe’s farmers.

The meeting starts with presentations on the results of the AGFORWARD research project including the launch of the AGFORWARD folder of innovation and best practice leaflets.

A panel will then discuss how we can mainstream agroforestry in Europe.

The panel includes: Clara Aguilera Garcia MEP (Vice Chair, Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, European Parliament), Olivier De Schutter (Co-chair of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems), Valentin Opfermann (Policy Advisor on Agricultural and Environmental Research and Environmental Issues at COPA-COGECA), Mauro Poinelli (Head of Unit Environment, Forestry and Climate Change, DG AGRI, European Commission), and Patrick Worms (Senior Science Policy Adviser at the World Agroforestry Centre).

There will be a time for questions and the meeting will be followed by a drinks reception and an opportunity for networking.

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