The meeting starts with presentations on the results of the AGFORWARD research project including the launch of the AGFORWARD folder of innovation and best practice leaflets.
A panel will then discuss how we can mainstream agroforestry in Europe.
The panel includes: Clara Aguilera Garcia MEP (Vice Chair, Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, European Parliament), Olivier De Schutter (Co-chair of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems), Valentin Opfermann (Policy Advisor on Agricultural and Environmental Research and Environmental Issues at COPA-COGECA), Mauro Poinelli (Head of Unit Environment, Forestry and Climate Change, DG AGRI, European Commission), and Patrick Worms (Senior Science Policy Adviser at the World Agroforestry Centre).
There will be a time for questions and the meeting will be followed by a drinks reception and an opportunity for networking.
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