Czech partners involved in the project Mobile mechanic on the European market!

At the turn of September and October 2016, the mobility of 17 Polish students held in Prague in the framework of the project Mobile mechanic on the European market financed by the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Research, development and education. Thanks to ERA there were involved also two high schools from Czech Republic, Střední škola technická Zelený Pruh and Střední průmyslová škola dopravní a.s., which hosted students of Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft from Marshal Jozef Pilsufski Schools in Szcuczyn, Poland.

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The aim of this project was to gain work experiences in high qualified companies of the automotive industry in Czech market, acquisition of new skills related to the profession and deepening the knowledge acquired in school. Sub-objective was also improving language skills, especially English. In addition, Polish students participating in the project acquainted with the culture and traditions in the Czech Republic.

During the three-month mobility they attended practical internships in car services and rich culture program with Prague and Kutná Hora sightseeing, which the European development agency had prepared to them.

The European development agency would like to continue in cooperation with the mediator of this project. They already plan another educational mobility for Polish teachers at the beginning of 2017. There the teachers will be supposed to attend job shadowing in Czech schools and gain experiences of the real teaching at a foreign school in practice.

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